Clinical Waste Management

Disposal services for potentially hazardous clinical waste.

National Clinical Waste Disposal Services

Clinical Waste Disposal

Our Dedicated Services For The Disposal Of
Bio-Hazardous Clinical Waste

Clinical waste is the term used to describe the non-sharps waste produced from healthcare & clinical  services that may pose a risk of spreading infection through contamination with bodily fluids, such as swabs, bandages, dressings, used PPE, etc.

If you are dealing with potentially hazardous clinical waste that may carry infection risks, you’ll want to be assured that your waste is disposed of in a way that protects the public & defends your operation from liability.

Clinical waste is the term used to describe the non-sharps waste produced from healthcare & clinical  services that may pose a risk of spreading infection through contamination with bodily fluids, such as swabs, bandages, dressings, used PPE, etc.

If you are dealing with potentially hazardous clinical waste that may carry infection risks, you’ll want to be assured that your waste is disposed of in a way that protects the public & defends your operation from liability.

Our regulated clinical waste service offers collection & disposal of any potentially bio-hazardous waste.

Giving you the peace of mind you need to operate your organisation with confidence.

All potentially biohazardous non-sharps waste can be addressed including clothing & PPE that is contaminated with bodily fluids & other high-risk materials found in clinical environments.

We actively work to protect your organisation & can supply hygienic safe collection units for all your biohazardous waste including dedicated orange clinical waste bins.

We can provide regular scheduled collections or one-off jobs & guarantee that all waste will be disposed off safely under our regulated operations.

Our Clinical Waste Service Covers:

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Our clinical waste service covers non-sharps waste that arises from clinical practices and may pose a health risk.

This includes used swaps, used PPE, contaminiated bed linin & coverings, contaminated overalls & scrubs & all similar waste materials.

Our costs start from just £85!

However, the actual cost of our service will depend on the type of waste you have & the schedule you require.

Please contact us for a detailed quote!

Clinical waste is incinerated in order to render it safe & we’ll always ensure that your clinical waste is disposed of according to all legal guidelines in order to protect your business from liability.

Contact Us

Take the first step, we
will take care of the rest!

Contact us today and ask how we can help your organisation!