Dental (Amalgam) Waste Management

Disposal services for amalgam waste that may carry environmental toxin risks.

National Amalgam Waste Disposal Services

Amalgam Waste Disposal

Our Dedicated Services For The Disposal Of
Dental Amalgam Waste

Amalgam waste covers waste materials from dental fillings that may carry environmental pollution & toxin risks.

Because amalgam contains mercury, it is a serious environmental health risk and must be collected & segregated in very strict ways, and disposed of under a very strict legal regime.

Because there is significant liability surrounding the disposal of Amalgam, using a reliable collection service to dispose of these materials is essential.

Amalgam waste covers waste materials from dental fillings that may carry environmental pollution & toxin risks.

Because amalgam contains mercury, it is a serious environmental health risk and must be collected & segregated in very strict ways, and disposed of under a very strict legal regime.

Because there is significant liability surrounding the disposal of Amalgam, using a reliable collection service to dispose of these materials is essential.


Our regulated offensive waste service offers collection & disposal of any amalgam waste that may pose problems for your enterprise.

Giving you the peace of mind you need to operate your organisation with confidence.

All amalgam waste can be addressed including teeth containing amalgam, extracted fillings and waste raw amalgam metal itself.

We actively work to protect your organisation & can supply regulation collection & disposal services for all your articles of offensive waste

We can provide regular scheduled collections or one-off jobs & guarantee that all waste will be disposed off safely under our regulated operations.

Our Amalgam Waste Service Covers:

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We cover all dental amalgam & this includes the amalgam metal, amalgam that has been recovered from dental procedures, teeth containing large quantities of amalgam, and so forth.

Our costs start from just £85!

However, the actual cost of our service will depend on the type of waste you have & the schedule you require.

Please contact us for a detailed quote!

Amalgam must go through a very specific process according to UK regulations that involve denaturing it to recover the mercury content from it. We ensure that all  amalgam waste that is collected by our service undergoes proper processing at reputable amalgam recovery plants so that you can rest assured that no legal consequences will ever find their way back to you.

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Take the first step, we
will take care of the rest!

Contact us today and ask how we can help your organisation!